
Shakuntala: The missing narrative of child rights

Shakuntala: The missing narrative of child rights

Shakuntala as a movie is a lot of things, but it is hard to determine whether it is feminist or not, for even though it tells the tale of a woman who aspired to have it all, it is also a tale of a dominant, controlling mother who neglected the wants and needs of her stifled, wanting daughter; for a major chunk of her childhood.

Hagia Sophia

Religion in politics – Decisive. Divisive. Destructive

Hagia Sophia is a masterpiece of human endurance, architectural excellence, craftsmanship, and unparalleled beauty of an edifice in stone with calligraphy and graphics depicting many events. It was a treasured gift from the Byzantine and Ottoman empires, a mesmerizing sight to behold, which sees millions of visitors annually.

women protests

Pinjra Tod: A contemporary feminist movement

Pinjra Tod (Break the cage) is a feminist collective run by female college students all over the country. This collective challenges rules and regulations, which tend to tie down women’s freedom and try to provide a counter-narrative to the age-old brahminical patriarchal rules which fail to give space to women’s rights, religious diversity, class diversity and to those who do not fall under the gender binary.