Beyond Hindu-Muslim, a misguided nation
The vision of change over the last six years has developed into a situaiton where all criticism is seen with skepticism. We have become a misguided nation.
The vision of change over the last six years has developed into a situaiton where all criticism is seen with skepticism. We have become a misguided nation.
A hidden apartheid is constantly working at the backdrop of the minds of the perpetrators who commit such violence. It is very important to handle the issue of caste with utmost cautiousness, alertness, and proper knowledge
Shakuntala as a movie is a lot of things, but it is hard to determine whether it is feminist or not, for even though it tells the tale of a woman who aspired to have it all, it is also a tale of a dominant, controlling mother who neglected the wants and needs of her stifled, wanting daughter; for a major chunk of her childhood.
Two concepts most intimately associated with Leisure are free time and the quality of experience and involvement in an activity with no stark material benefits
Self-reliance is simply a process that requires the vital role of local bodies, and that entails their engagement from the stage of need-mapping to choosing development schemes and implementing the same
“Northeast” was used to refer—first, a frontier, then, name of a new province, and finally, a tract. Security concerns after independence forced the government to initiate programs with newer imaginations of northeast region.
Hagia Sophia is a masterpiece of human endurance, architectural excellence, craftsmanship, and unparalleled beauty of an edifice in stone with calligraphy and graphics depicting many events. It was a treasured gift from the Byzantine and Ottoman empires, a mesmerizing sight to behold, which sees millions of visitors annually.
Pinjra Tod (Break the cage) is a feminist collective run by female college students all over the country. This collective challenges rules and regulations, which tend to tie down women’s freedom and try to provide a counter-narrative to the age-old brahminical patriarchal rules which fail to give space to women’s rights, religious diversity, class diversity and to those who do not fall under the gender binary.
The possibilities of cooperative farming in India are vast. Cooperative farming gives farmers the power of negotiation, backward linkage to buy agro-inputs, forward market linkage to sell their products, and access to the marketplace.
India, a federation of mini countries will require the active role of Indian states in building an efficacious income support structure for farmers.
There are many benefits to becoming conscious users. We save the environment and the planet and that is by far the biggest one here on the list.
To have a greater insight into the gender part here, here is a list of 58 genders described in a positive and satirical approach.