
This sub-category contains poems on all kinds of themes as sent by the writers.

Ancient Greek helmet made of bronze with decorative elements in museum in darkness

I Miss Sparta

I miss Sparta Though born 750 years post the Magna Carta Engulfed in the humdrum of Consumerist life I long when sparkles from dories fly Hopping for groceries on my old rusty car How wonderful it would be to rein in Pegasus and fly off to adventures afar Following the same old daily routine What…



One season ends and the other beginsBut the mystery of future still remainsFlowers of expectations have fallenBut the buds of hope have filled the gardenA lot has changed in these yearsApart from our dreams and fearsHere in this corridorBehind that rusty doorWe have left our carefree smileCause now there are responsibilities of lifeHurt and happiness…


I sit in my balcony during lockdown, I hear the birds singing . I just wonder how lucky they are,  They can fly as much as possible  And poor me stuck in lockdown. I sit in my balcony during lockdown, And imagine how I controlled my fluctuating emotions during these times. I thank my friends…



The wind that prevailed there,Hummed the tune of the Inevitable approach of her destiny. Slowly faded the light,Evanescing the ray of smile. Dark clouds began to roll up,Spike ups of her ego. All of a sudden, from nowhere,It came…..with immense fury! The outbursts of a long subdued mind! Sun waned,Lightning streaked,Thunder roared,Darkness reigned,And thus it rained…