Film Analysis

This sub-category contains film analyses of various movies and series.

Derangement amitav ghosh

Amitav Ghosh’s ‘The Great Derangement’ and Public Response to Covid-19

In the months following the emergence of the first known cases of the Covid-19 virus across several countries, the most common and immediate response observed in people was denial. Despite its rising numbers, a vast majority dismissed the virus as similar to one that caused the common flu, attributed Covid-19 deaths to undisclosed diseases and…

An Analysis of  ‘Quissa – The Tale of A Lonely Ghost’

An Analysis of ‘Quissa – The Tale of A Lonely Ghost’

A heteronormative, patriarchal society expects conformity and adherence to social norms, and films play a significant role in breaking social stereotypes. Films like ‘Qissa’ are boxed under the genre of parallel cinema and the mainstream audience finds such creative content rather confusing than interesting.

Giri/Haji is a marvellous examination of love, the Yakuza, and everything in between

Giri/Haji is a marvellous examination of love, the Yakuza, and everything in between

A good mini-series is a thing of joy; a great one is a thing of beauty. Most of its kind set up a narrative and deliver a satisfying conclusion within the space of anything between two to a dozen episodes. This brevity presents the perfect middle world between movies and long-running television shows. It is…