Atmanirbharta – Is this achievable?
There will be no decentralization of power even though the Prime Minister is aiming for a Swadeshi economics model propagated by Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh.
There will be no decentralization of power even though the Prime Minister is aiming for a Swadeshi economics model propagated by Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh.
Rich get cake, poor get cane. Many are dying daily on the roads, in trains in their attempt to reach home, to their families. Rich got flight-down home; poor got flies on their dead bodies. One wonders if the constitutional provisions like human dignity, equality, fraternity include the poor.
The framers of the Constituent Assembly had envisioned a ‘Strong Centre but not weak states.’ In an era of ‘cooperative federalism,’ states are to be the partners in nation-building. Leadership and well as policy implementation seem to be the foundation of federal dynamics during any crisis of such massive proportion.
Every special occasion carries with itself a reminder of her [grandmom] absence. I think it always will. However, I have realized that missing her is also an opportunity to celebrate her life. She had a full life. It was not devoid of sorrow, but it was also brimming with love. She spent her life loving and being loved.
Let’s not forget how to be kind, compassionate, and considerate in the name of professionalism. Let’s stop behaving as per the human-made protocol that needs one to be ruthless and emotionless to sustain in the corporate world.
Let’s not forget how to be kind, compassionate, and considerate in the name of professionalism. Let’s stop behaving as per the human-made protocol that needs one to be ruthless and emotionless to sustain in the corporate world.
A permanent solution depends upon the degree of statecraft exercised based on mutual interest and understanding. If a conflict situation is to be avoided, then it is imperative that the governments of the two countries amicably negotiate and come to an agreement over the border.
As the rhetoric all around us flare up the sentiment for aggressiveness and confrontation, it might at this point of time serve us to remember what war actually does.
Despite several efforts to reorient and sensitize the masses, an invisible divide prevails between ‘us’ and ‘them.’ As long as it is a matter of ‘them,’ it is hard to accomplish the goal of equality. There is an urgent need to include ‘them’ within the domain of ‘us.’ Acceptance is the key to an equal and harmonious society.
Even if the world seems to be in a dark place right now and you can’t help but feel overwhelmed and helpless, you can find peace by doing your bit. There is strength in realizing that while we can’t choose the privilege we are born in, we can choose what we do with it.
George Floyd’s murder in the United States served as the trigger to share the experiences of his SC/ST students at IITM who were subjected to judgement by meritocracy.
I started finding ways to regularize myself. The mood improved, and I started finding new hobbies and self-motivation. I’m starting to feel alive inside my home now. This has been an exercise in managing anxiety and retaining some sense of balance and control in life, even with all the privileges that I have.