

Second world war and the price of indecisiveness

This piece makes an attempt to illustrate the way our actions/inactions in demanding moments determine what destiny holds for us. I would try to illustrate my points using the Second World War, the most significant conflict in human history since I believe that war encapsulates and highlights the true, raw nature of human emotions during…

face mask

The face mask to fight against all epidemics

According to the book of Purana, Hiranyakashyap, the king of daitya-s (demons), had desired a boon from the Lord Brahma, the Creator, that he be immortal. The Lord, although pleased with his penance, said, “I cannot grant that boon!” The crafty, intelligent, supremely powerful Hiranyakashyap noted, “In that case, grant me a boon that I can be killed by no one…

indian secularism

Has the Indian secularism lost its face already?

The need for literate-ness regarding secularism, and in particular to understand its Indian version, has become urgent since the arrival of the Hindutva-politics and its claim to be the safeguard of secularism in India, dubbing its alternatives as “pseudo-secularism”. The Modi regime is electorally well established, but its roots shake when its grasp on secular…