
Kumari Shivanjali is a writer, blogger and a dancer. She is pursuing a Master's in Economics from Centre for Development Studies, JNU. Her heart belongs to Hazaribagh, Jharkhand but presently she is residing in Kerela.

I sit in my balcony during lockdown,
I hear the birds singing .
I just wonder how lucky they are,
They can fly as much as possible
And poor me stuck in lockdown.
I sit in my balcony during lockdown,
And imagine how I controlled my fluctuating emotions during these times.
I thank my friends who kept me alive,
Speaking to them was like reviving the soul.
I sit in my balcony during lockdown
And remember how zoom calls, weekly quizzes, socially distanced friendship dates
Keep people like me away from loneliness.
I sit in my balcony during lockdown,
In the face of adversity, I wonder
How I managed to find a new blossoming friendship.
I sit in my balcony during lockdown,
And say thanks to all who gave me
Positives of lockdown.
Image Source: Pixabay