Forgotten languages and lost identities
Later I arrived at the questions that concerned me the entire time. Why is the language dying out? Why are the native speakers so few? Why is the upcoming generation not aware of the native culture?
Later I arrived at the questions that concerned me the entire time. Why is the language dying out? Why are the native speakers so few? Why is the upcoming generation not aware of the native culture?
Employees who enjoy and like the environments they are a part of, will be more engaged, productive, happy, and healthy.
The prominent reason for this unawareness pertaining to ‘Reservation’ among the tribes is that they are financially downtrodden. Hence they are more concerned about their basic daily requirements of bare survival rather than the Constitutional Entitlements.
An environment which supports and respects the integrity of a person to support and provide basic fundamental rights is a must for improving mental health. Self-help approach is effective in coping up with adverse mental illness.
Sometimes, the book might seem a bit technical, especially during the description of some reports or communications, but that goes to show the remarkable effort put in by Crichton to ensure that the readers have an authentic experience and in my opinion, his efforts paid off spectacularly.
Freedom will come when words such as unity, cooperation, brotherhood, peace will have deeper connotations and won’t just be words attached to strings loosely tied to humanity.
I am honoured to call these people family. And I am most importantly impressed with my Nani. What an enigma she is to have survived all this and still remain the most kind, happy and hopeful person I know.
For thirty years they’ve been away from home. For thirty years, they’ve been on this topsy-turvy journey carrying their homes in their heads
While discussing suicides and mental health, we do not talk about governments correcting structural factors, but focus on individual, community, and so on.
I’ve come to realize that all the events of the past 7-8 years of my life, as bad as some of those events were, were necessary to get me to where I am today. Was some of it pretty rough? For sure. Would I change any of it? Not a chance.
People whom you think got everything, name, fame, career, wealth; even they are struggling in their lives with some battle. Be good to them. Be kind.
And the woman should be an “ideal wife” material to get accepted by the man, his family, his relatives, his friends, his neighborhood, and his community. Unlike the past, these may not be evident, but it is still present in those subtle forms where the girl is expected to behave according to the in-laws and the prescriptions of the society.