Personal Stories

This sub-category is like a personal blog for writers. Writings primarily based in personal experience are part of this.

Greens, jeez & these generations!

Greens, jeez & these generations!

[responsivevoice_button voice=”US Female” buttontext=”Read out this Theel for me”] 2-3 drops. Not neat, always with a glass of water, preferably warm. Mix well. The green color, synonymous with nature and health, quite literally fits the description of this thing. Tiny, sleek bottle, but you dread getting closer because magic takes time, and the wait period feels…

The Sabha Theatre Team

My journey in Sabha, the multilingual theatre society of St. Stephen’s

The English Theatre society Shakespeare Sabha is one of the oldest societies in the country. It has always done English, and Shakespeare plays. We, as a multilingual theatre society, separated from it sometime in 2008. It was really difficult for us to create a separate identity of our own.