
Articles related to short stories, film analysis and books are published under this category

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Book Reviews

Film Analysis

Derangement amitav ghosh

Amitav Ghosh’s ‘The Great Derangement’ and Public Response to Covid-19

In the months following the emergence of the first known cases of the Covid-19 virus across several countries, the most common and immediate response observed in people was denial. Despite its rising numbers, a vast majority dismissed the virus as similar to one that caused the common flu, attributed Covid-19 deaths to undisclosed diseases and…


Ancient Greek helmet made of bronze with decorative elements in museum in darkness

I Miss Sparta

I miss Sparta Though born 750 years post the Magna Carta Engulfed in the humdrum of Consumerist life I long when sparkles from dories fly Hopping for groceries on my old rusty car How wonderful it would be to rein in Pegasus and fly off to adventures afar Following the same old daily routine What…

Short Stories



I woke up to the sunlight falling on my face from the window. I looked around to check the time but could not find my clock. It must be later than usual, the sun is brighter than usual. As always, I forgot to close the curtains last night and I am bearing the brunt of…