
Fumbling through Bumble – Confessions of Using an ‘Unsanskari’ Dating App

Fumbling through Bumble – Confessions of Using an ‘Unsanskari’ Dating App

Here, on a dating app, you’re asked about actual things that you want from a relationship – like if you want kids, want to hook up or basaofy your ghar grihasti. These are some pertinent, deal-breaking points in a relationship that you get to tackle from the get-go. 

getting married

Getting married in India- In between tradition and modernity

[responsivevoice_button voice=”US English Male” buttontext=”Read out this Theel for me”] Marriage ties two people together for a lifetime. Not only the couple but their families also get bound together. Marriage opens up a new horizon for the couple as their life gets changed by manifolds after getting married. The most important thing that a married…