
primary healthcare

India’s primary healthcare is pathetic

Corona Crisis and Beyond: Bring in a robust Public Primary Healthcare [responsivevoice_button voice=”UK English Female” buttontext=”Read out this Theel for me”] Covid-19, a virus allegedly spread from a wet market in Wuhan from bats to pangolins and subsequently to humans, is posing a threat to humankind. Though it seems like the common flu, the asymptomatic…

know cooking

Men, Start with cooking during the quarantine!

[responsivevoice_button voice=”Hindi Female” buttontext=”Read out this Theel for me”] Being nurtured in a liberal family where my father and mother were equally responsible for all the household chores, I never realized that few household activities are gender-dependent. I believe those of you who have been in such an environment would never have thought of it…

face mask

The face mask to fight against all epidemics

According to the book of Purana, Hiranyakashyap, the king of daitya-s (demons), had desired a boon from the Lord Brahma, the Creator, that he be immortal. The Lord, although pleased with his penance, said, “I cannot grant that boon!” The crafty, intelligent, supremely powerful Hiranyakashyap noted, “In that case, grant me a boon that I can be killed by no one…