
women protests

Pinjra Tod: A contemporary feminist movement

Pinjra Tod (Break the cage) is a feminist collective run by female college students all over the country. This collective challenges rules and regulations, which tend to tie down women’s freedom and try to provide a counter-narrative to the age-old brahminical patriarchal rules which fail to give space to women’s rights, religious diversity, class diversity and to those who do not fall under the gender binary.

feminist gulabi gang

Journeying as a Feminist

It is in this sphere of bolstering women’s leadership and empowering our agency that I now work in. I am at the intersection of academia and policy. As an academic and a current student of international history, I realize that women’s voices and narratives have been absent and systematically marginalized from intellectual discourse. Fighting patriarchy that pervades academic writing and narratives is a conscious choice and commitment.