
education system

India’s education system in a limbo

Indian education system in the time of COVID 19 [responsivevoice_button voice=”US English Female” buttontext=”Read out this Theel for me”] The current disposition of academic pedagogy around the globe has been jeopardized due to the COVID 19 outbreak. The virus has demonstrated the value of health workers and service executives and the demeanor of Asian Nations…

Islamophobia in India– The elaborate blame game

Islamophobia in India– The elaborate blame game

[responsivevoice_button voice=”US English Female” buttontext=”Read out this Theel for me”] The most prevalent phobia in the twenty-first century is Islamophobia. From the liberal societies of Europe and the United States of America to India, it persists everywhere. The onus of fighting it has been shared to a great extent by the people or society of…

Work from Home: A boon for the introverts?

Work from Home: A boon for the introverts?

Remote working during Coronavirus Lockdown: Blessing in disguise for Introverts? [responsivevoice_button voice=”UK English Female” buttontext=”Read out this Theel for me”] The sudden outbreak of the coronavirus made the whole world come to a standstill and forced most of the employers to opt for remote working. While some workers work from home is just a recipe for disaster. To some,…

primary healthcare

India’s primary healthcare is pathetic

Corona Crisis and Beyond: Bring in a robust Public Primary Healthcare [responsivevoice_button voice=”UK English Female” buttontext=”Read out this Theel for me”] Covid-19, a virus allegedly spread from a wet market in Wuhan from bats to pangolins and subsequently to humans, is posing a threat to humankind. Though it seems like the common flu, the asymptomatic…

Comparative politics in the age of Globalization

Comparative politics in the age of Globalization

This is the age of globalization, where the societies are intimately bound. It is indeed an undeniable fact. We need to understand how comparative politics and globalization intersect each other. This process can be started by defining the respective ideas and finding out their points of convergence and divergence.  Comparative Politics is the study and…

Corona’s differential impact on women

Corona’s differential impact on women

Picture Source: Artisiopix How the invisible COVID-19 virus is revealing the stark reality of gender discrimination [responsivevoice_button voice=”UK English Female” buttontext=”Read out this Theel for me”] Researches have always shown that women’s bodies bear the worst brunt of a natural disaster, a war, or a pandemic. Notwithstanding the evidence, there has been a diminutive gender…

Rishi Kapoor- The first chocolate boy of bollywood

Rishi Kapoor- The first chocolate boy of bollywood

Rishi Kapoor was to the baby boomers and generation X, what Irrfan Khan was to the Millenials. Some of our hearts were already broken yesterday. Those that were untouched by the latter’s passing have met the same fate today. And the people who liked them both have an endless nightmare. Perhaps, I cannot compete with…