
iqbal's pan islamism

Has Iqbal’s Pan Islamism done India more harm than good?

Iqbal’s Pan Islamism didn’t support hatred towards the Hindus, nor did it aim to promote ill feelings towards the other communities residing in India. However, Iqbal’s love for an Islamic state brought him to a crossroads where he had to choose between a secular nation intertwined with unity and diversity on the one hand and an Islamic state on the other.

Indignation, resentment, and reactionary politics

Indignation, resentment, and reactionary politics

Democracies are like sand-castles, and they crumble down when they face a reactionary tide, emotions such as indignation and resentment take the reactionaries away from the present to a time-frame where the framework of morality itself changes, thereby providing them the scope to justify any radical action. It is important to engage with reactionary ideas for their loathe for the present, if went un-noticed and unengaged, might turn into a political storm.