Delhi, An Old Unwritten Poem
The bus stops at Jamia Milia. Through the window I see
my young grandfather, gleaming eyes & spirited face, tender youth flickering through his cigarette smoke
The bus stops at Jamia Milia. Through the window I see
my young grandfather, gleaming eyes & spirited face, tender youth flickering through his cigarette smoke
However critical many Indians may feel about the viability of elections in India, it has proved to be a potent weapon for empowering the voiceless and bringing about remarkable changes in the country and the lives of millions.
If humans are called machines, maybe it’s time to hit the reboot button, keeping the mistakes on our mind and striving for a better tomorrow. So as the world burns in the torment of a pandemic, let us build a better society after the destruction ceases.
It is foolish to think that any relief aid is either apolitical or unincentivized. Relief, by definition, is political. Imagine water tankers during a crisis, those which start from posh elite regions to finally reach the comparatively less well to do and underprivileged.
Our mother earth has been serving us for ages. It is time that we show our responsibility towards nature which blossoms every day to make our lives a little more colorful.
At the heart of the novel lies the idea that in a war with the plague, we all have to come together if we hope to defeat it. Camus’ work has proved to be timeless.
Media has massive power. Stereotypical and sexual advertising cements our prejudices on many aspects of gender towards perpetuating sexual violence.
Therefore one can say that Thucydides was meticulous when he preached that global political clashes and concerns over security would be seen across time and ages. However, his rationalization of ‘might makes right’ or ‘the strong do what they can, and the weak suffer what they must’ is with which Thucydides has been mostly rightly weighed down upon and critiqued for.
Profit maximizing sounds like a utilitarian idea that Bezos has been following despite the pandemic to increase his profits. However, how correct is it to call him a utilitarian in Bentham’s world?
While competition is a virtue, it has overstayed its welcome. We have tried competition and aggression all these years and lost more than we’ve gained.
The ad world must realize that, along with entertainment, it must create social awareness and educate the masses. The changes we wish to see in the society can only be deliberated if a mass sensitization occurs. Only the media can prove to be an excellent medium for propagating this change.
Mob lynching is a social disease whose doctor and the host is society itself. The otherwise common man can be a culprit in lynching if he cannot control his emotions. Sometimes it is his religion, and sometimes it is a rumor about something which incites him.