Aparajita is currently doing her PhD in Visual Arts, Arts and Aesthetics at JNU. She is a trained archaeologist and has participated in exacavations at Rakhigarhi,Haryana and Odhisa. Her main area of interest is study of Ancient Indian history and culture.

Let’s know and owe our mythologies
Mythology as a genre is gaining much popularity among the youth. Religion occupies a predominant role in Indian society. Mythology today, to an extent, influences everything from our politics, religion and our popular culture.

Saree: A timeless fabric for all occasions
Saree has often enjoyed the undisputed laurel of being associated with elegance and beauty. The journey of saree has indeed been a long one, traversing past generations and narrating the tale of human passion.

Monuments, society, and people
Pollutants like sulphur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide, generated by both vehicles and industries, react with air moisture to form acids that eat into the marble and result in a change of colour and even holes in these heritage monuments

Reviving the Handicraft in India
Today, we notice that popular fashion has been influenced with traditional arts. The youth today is increasingly moving towards traditional arts.

India- Charm of pseudoscience and need for scientific thinking
A lot of Indians attach great value to astrological predictions basing their entire life decisions on it. This can be a reason for worry, as some may make rash decisions based on a horoscope reading. It is not uncommon in India to find highly educated people inclined towards astrology.

Rising pressure and anxieties among Indian students
In our society failure is not seen as an opportunity to learn but indicates a child’s inability at performing a particular activity. This creates an irrational belief that even the slightest failure means being unsuccessful in life.

The Ad world evolution and social change
The ad world must realize that, along with entertainment, it must create social awareness and educate the masses. The changes we wish to see in the society can only be deliberated if a mass sensitization occurs. Only the media can prove to be an excellent medium for propagating this change.

Food: Its role in evolution of society and politics
Food, is a quintessential ingredient for human survival, a necessity to quench his hunger. Living beings of all orders- be it insects, rodents or mammals spend a substantial amount of their time in search of food. The prehistoric, hunter-gatherer was more aware of perils associated with this activity. It has been roughly estimated that our…

Political narratives cannot tamper with Indian history
The budget for the year 2020-2021 unveiled new projects for the development of a museum at Dholavira. It also unveiled new plans at other archaeological sites at Rakhigarhi, Shivsagar, Hastinapur, Adichallanur. These decisions created euphoria in an already enlightened crowd, who have suddenly taken a lot of interest in Indian history and culture. Since the…