Aparajita Morde


Aparajita is currently doing her PhD in Visual Arts, Arts and Aesthetics at JNU. She is a trained archaeologist and has participated in exacavations at Rakhigarhi,Haryana and Odhisa. Her main area of interest is study of Ancient Indian history and culture.

Food: Its role in evolution of society and politics

Food: Its role in evolution of society and politics

Food, is a quintessential ingredient for human survival, a necessity to quench his hunger. Living beings of all orders- be it insects, rodents or mammals spend a substantial amount of their time in search of food. The prehistoric, hunter-gatherer was more aware of perils associated with this activity. It has been roughly estimated that our…


Political narratives cannot tamper with Indian history

The budget for the year 2020-2021 unveiled new projects for the development of a museum at Dholavira. It also unveiled new plans at other archaeological sites at Rakhigarhi, Shivsagar, Hastinapur, Adichallanur. These decisions created euphoria in an already enlightened crowd, who have suddenly taken a lot of interest in Indian history and culture. Since the…