Ankit Raj is the CEO and Founding Partner of Governance Consulting Group (GCG). He has been working since almost a decade in the area of public policy. Before starting his entrepreneurial journey, he was the Chief People Officer (CPO) at India's foremost policy consulting organisation Swaniti Global. He worked at the grassroots level with tribal groups and rural population as Gandhi Fellow during his engagement with Piramal Foundation. He is passionate about business law, public policy and management theories.

District-level planning for Atmanirbhar Bharat
Self-reliance is simply a process that requires the vital role of local bodies, and that entails their engagement from the stage of need-mapping to choosing development schemes and implementing the same

The Indian Constitution and its Day
On the 26th of November 1949, India gave itself a philosophy through which it envisioned an all-round development of each of its citizens. Today, when we see the intellectual climate of the country, with increasing activism of justice-freaks and vigilance of good governance-advocates, we find that the Constitution is gaining more cards of itself. It…

How politics and society is filled with all paradoxes
It appears that in life, we are in a zero-sum game. It is full of dichotomy and paradox of all kinds. On one side, the only solution for a society to be possible appears to be the rule of law, while on the other, we find the law looking at things in black and white….