Jayeeta Biswas


Jayeeta is an avid reader, compulsive writer, book illustrator, frantic mother and a strong believer of diversity in workplace

What’s not “Fair” in “Fair and Lovely”?

What’s not “Fair” in “Fair and Lovely”?

Not only Fair and Lovely, but there are also many other such creams sold in South Asia which focus on lightening the skin color and the importance of having “fair” skin. This goal has been inscribed in the minds of consumers through years of marketing campaigns designed to showcase the “advantage” of “white-skinned” or “fair-skinned” people, particularly girls.

face mask

The face mask to fight against all epidemics

According to the book of Purana, Hiranyakashyap, the king of daitya-s (demons), had desired a boon from the Lord Brahma, the Creator, that he be immortal. The Lord, although pleased with his penance, said, “I cannot grant that boon!” The crafty, intelligent, supremely powerful Hiranyakashyap noted, “In that case, grant me a boon that I can be killed by no one…

I’m a non-vegetarian and I’m good, thank you

I’m a non-vegetarian and I’m good, thank you

Non-vegetarians are those who choose from a varying platter of eggs, chicken, fish, lamb, goat, cow, pork, turkey, etc. I’m one of them. In India, they are primarily of two kinds – the non-beef eaters and the non-pork eaters, depending on their religion. The vegetarians are those who refrain from consuming animal proteins, except milk…

A better world – Mother’s mental health is critical for child safety

A better world – Mother’s mental health is critical for child safety

The other day I was watching a video which had been shared by one of my social network connection on his page. The video had garnered close to some 2k views, and there were a little over three hundred comments. I usually tend to overlook most of these videos. However, this one happened to show…