
Discussions on popular personalities like Ambedkar, Nehru, Savarkar, etc. are part of this sub-category.

Zizek on COVID-19: On burnout and other crises

Zizek on COVID-19: On burnout and other crises

As a project deeming itself free of external and alien limitations, the I is now subjugating itself to internal limitations and self-constraints, which are taking the form of compulsive achievement and optimization” Byung-Chul Han, The Burnout Society. A society under lockdown is a prime example of stringent external limitations being imposed on people. Due to the…

Rishi Kapoor- The first chocolate boy of bollywood

Rishi Kapoor- The first chocolate boy of bollywood

Rishi Kapoor was to the baby boomers and generation X, what Irrfan Khan was to the Millenials. Some of our hearts were already broken yesterday. Those that were untouched by the latter’s passing have met the same fate today. And the people who liked them both have an endless nightmare. Perhaps, I cannot compete with…