Indian Army

An ode to soldiers

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“Soldier Never Complains”

A soldier never complains,
If he gets hurt,
If his arm gets wounded,
Even if he knows that it’s time to die,
He still dashes, runs and crawls,
Gives his best to fight,
Against all odds with his might.

A soldier never complains,
Be it a call at reveille or retreat.
Or the orders of his leaders,
In the dead of the night.
Quickly he springs into action,
Forgetting the pains and emotions,
Yearns only to be back with his platoon mates.

A soldier never complains,
With him reaching the deck,
The friends and leaders gone,
He starts crying for one last time,
The cry is not for giving up,
But for being assumed dead,
By whom he loves and respects.

A soldier never complains,
As he sings the song under the tree,
Thinks about his past,
Dreams about the young spirit he had.
With the soul departing now,
As the sun rises and the rays hit his face,
Heaven calls him Mother Earth’s proud son,
To be embraced by Mother Earth again.

Image Credit: Wiki Commons

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