
Ancient Greek helmet made of bronze with decorative elements in museum in darkness

I Miss Sparta

I miss Sparta Though born 750 years post the Magna Carta Engulfed in the humdrum of Consumerist life I long when sparkles from dories fly Hopping for groceries on my old rusty car How wonderful it would be to rein in Pegasus and fly off to adventures afar Following the same old daily routine What…

Impact of the rise of right-wing politics in India on Institutions

Impact of the rise of right-wing politics in India on Institutions

The Bharatiya Janata Party’s (BJP) rise in the Indian political circles has been well documented for a considerable amount of time. But in 2014, a resurgence of sorts caused BJP to come to power for the second time in over 16 years. BJP’s meticulous rise to power marks an era of the political right-wing dominating politics, not only in India but in other notable powers of the world as well.


The Indian National Congress: Problems, Challenges and the Way Forward

For any political party to thrive in conditions as hostile as the Indian political climate, the presence of a strong, astute leader capable enough to tackle dynamic political conditions is very critical. And it is the absence of a strong figure capable enough to tackle and counter the rise of the BJP that is hurting Congress’ aspirations to rise to power.