
Impact of the rise of right-wing politics in India on Institutions

Impact of the rise of right-wing politics in India on Institutions

The Bharatiya Janata Party’s (BJP) rise in the Indian political circles has been well documented for a considerable amount of time. But in 2014, a resurgence of sorts caused BJP to come to power for the second time in over 16 years. BJP’s meticulous rise to power marks an era of the political right-wing dominating politics, not only in India but in other notable powers of the world as well.


Fumbling through Bumble – Confessions of Using an ‘Unsanskari’ Dating App

Here, on a dating app, you’re asked about actual things that you want from a relationship – like if you want kids, want to hook up or basaofy your ghar grihasti. These are some pertinent, deal-breaking points in a relationship that you get to tackle from the get-go. 


The Indian National Congress: Problems, Challenges and the Way Forward

For any political party to thrive in conditions as hostile as the Indian political climate, the presence of a strong, astute leader capable enough to tackle dynamic political conditions is very critical. And it is the absence of a strong figure capable enough to tackle and counter the rise of the BJP that is hurting Congress’ aspirations to rise to power.