U.S. Withdrawal from Afghanistan: Analysis from an Indian Standpoint
India’s foreign policy establishment, which has detested the Taliban for too long, faces a similar choice. The evolving situation may not leave India with an alternative but to engage constructively with the Taliban.

Way forward in the Israel-Palestine conflict
Israel-Palestine conflict may be overcome by Lebanon’s model of sectarian power sharing. India’s experience in two-nation theory could help.

India’s Obscure Neighbours
SAARC as a regional body was held hostage to the Indo-Pak tensions, which rendered cooperation among member states ineffective.

Growing contours of Indo-US relations
India entered the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) this year as a ‘Non-Permanent Member’, it should leverage its growing clout with the US to be vocal in its demand of making UNSC a more representative body.

Tripolar Geopolitics: The Middle East Conundrum
The growing closeness between Israel and the Arab world has a direct bearing on Iran’s hegemony in the Middle East.

Geopolitics of Arab – Israel peace
The Middle East peace process is slowly but steadily solidifying the new geopolitical fault lines