Women and opulence in work
In your house, support your mother and sister and your female relatives. At work please support your woman colleagues, superiors and subordinates.

Kindness in these uncertain times
While competition is a virtue, it has overstayed its welcome. We have tried competition and aggression all these years and lost more than we’ve gained.

Discipline in the time of corona
Ever since the COVID lockdown started, I came across a lot of social media posts about how this forced isolation could be a blessing in disguise. People were gushing about how Shakespeare had written ‘King Lear’ in quarantine, Isaac Newton had done groundbreaking research when he had to spend a year in isolation to avoid…

My home, neighbor’s backyard and the township
I was pacing in my dining room today, agonizing over my Ph.D. research questions when suddenly I spotted a large dark shape in my neighbor’s backyard. I stopped and looked again to see what the shape was and found a peahen standing on top of a concrete fencing post, staring off into another backyard. It…

Gender: How much more remains to be done?
My cousin is married to a constructor. She routinely has to cook for a large number of people her husband employs for his business. She has no housemaid and has to do all the household chores herself, in addition to the cooking. This obviously took a toll on her health. Her son, my nephew, noticing…

God: An excuse for inaction?
My relationship with God is gloriously fluid and unstructured. To me, God is sometimes a woman, sometimes a man, many times it’s just light or water or trees – you name it. Lately, I’ve felt God in my new washing machine. Sometimes I’m scared of Her, sometimes She’s my best friend – most times though,…

Fruit-eating: An apple a day? Go away!?
A couple of days ago, my very adventurous husband brought home two exotic fruits – Kiwi and dragon fruit. I call them exotic because I’ve never eaten them. Maybe there are people in this city who eat them so regularly that they’ll roll their eyes when they hear me call those fruits ‘exotic’. I don’t…