
Under History, events that happened in the past and personalities that shaped history are discussed.

iqbal's pan islamism

Has Iqbal’s Pan Islamism done India more harm than good?

Iqbal’s Pan Islamism didn’t support hatred towards the Hindus, nor did it aim to promote ill feelings towards the other communities residing in India. However, Iqbal’s love for an Islamic state brought him to a crossroads where he had to choose between a secular nation intertwined with unity and diversity on the one hand and an Islamic state on the other.


Second world war and the price of indecisiveness

This piece makes an attempt to illustrate the way our actions/inactions in demanding moments determine what destiny holds for us. I would try to illustrate my points using the Second World War, the most significant conflict in human history since I believe that war encapsulates and highlights the true, raw nature of human emotions during…

Powerful women who stood apart- from the literary classics

Powerful women who stood apart- from the literary classics

Powerful women or women of power have a turbulent history in almost every country or culture, a veritable threat to a society that is almost always patriarchal construct. They have been condemned, vilified, exiled. But they are fighters and survivors – for it really is a war, a war born of years of multifarious oppression….