Darkness that engulfs me – A widow’s letter to society
In a country where women are worshiped as goddesses, we never realized when all that gender bias kicked in. In India, marriage is believed to be a sacred union of two beings. The two come together, take vows to be there for each other in sickness and in health, and decide to spend the rest…

The girl who loved beaches
I met a girl once who loved visiting beaches. She rejoiced in finding a quaint little spot to sit in solitude by the shore, grab a handful of sand and watch it let loose as the water took it away. She once took me with her, and I was amazed at what I saw then. …

Middle Class + Baniya = A crazy breed!
If you were the kid, who wore their elder brother’s/sister’s clothes when he/she outgrew them, and the legacy continued for generations until they reduced to the size of a hanky, give me an ‘M’! If you were that poor little kid whose mother pushed you into that public bus’ seat until your ribs came out…

Do you get called ‘weird’? Me too!
I get called weird a lot. On my face, at my back, all the time. I don’t have a problem with it. I accept that I really am weird, multiple levels of weird personified, in fact. But who isn’t, right? Let me get down to some facts. We are all crazy, weird, not-so-normal. We are…