Public Policy

Articles on Economy, Law, and Government as worked under this category.

Art Category Background




Becoming a Teacher in India – A Web of Illusions

This article revolves around teacher education as a discipline in India. The article is titled ‘web of illusions’ because the field is not as simple and easy as one may perceive it to be, rather an illusion with many dots, some of which connect whereas some don’t, making it a web. There is a perception that all needed to become a teacher is a teacher education qualification. However, that is hardly the case. In this paper, I have attempted to write how complicated the area has become. For instance, it’s comparatively difficult to get into a Teacher Eduction (TE) Programme; recruitment remains a concern if a candidate gets into the program. The aricle discusses admissions into a teacher education program, the occupation’s commercialization, and teachers’ recruitment.


Women’s Reservation System in Bangladesh: A Review of On Ground Policy

Women’s Reservation System in Bangladesh: A Review of On Ground Policy

Political Representation is integral to bring structural changes in the way the society is governed. Opportunities to women in politics promotes gender equality and makes way for more just and equal society based on policies and practices that cater to the needs of underprivileged women.